Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hippo-lease version 1.0!

Kicking and screaming, has been pushed out the door. I can't quite express how exciting it is to sit back and watch the hit counter go up, but I promise I'll come to my senses soon and get back to work making things even better.

A MyHippocampus screencast tour is probably the place to start if you're interested in finding out more about the site. We're running on an invite system right now, but if you put your email address in the box on the front page, I should be able to get an invite out to you before too long.

Thanks to everyone who's helped me with this process and thanks for all of the helpful comments I've received. Please keep 'em coming.



Bill McGonigle said...

Congrats on the launch!

James said...

Hooray! Hippo lives! My thought is always that the original creation is more grueling than the updates and improvements that can come after.

The sky's the limit..

Anonymous said...

Respek Dwyer! Nice work man, best of luck with the site! Blog more! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!