Monday, October 08, 2007

MyHippocampus Zeitgeist: Knowledge Made Public

There you have it, you can now share your hippo. See: my recipes or my movies (check out the timeline by clicking on the eye at the bottom!)

Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. MyHippocampus contains multitudes. (apologies)

See comments on Reinier's review of MyHippoampus for my previous opinion on the nature of sharing. Frankly I haven't changed my opinion on the sheer uselessness of most online 'social' software, but I've come around a bit and decided that perhaps it's not the sharing itself that was irking me. The problem with most of these sites IMHO is that there's just no actual content of any merit. Our hope with MyHippocampus is that it's a place to keep good, deep, pregnant thoughts. Thoughts and connections that are inspiring to yourself, and (now) to others.

I still hope that people are careful about what they end up sharing. That's why I've chosen the 'manual' 'opt-in' share model. With MyHippocampus it's private until you say so, which should leave you the opportunity to have a secret garden of self-actualization on the Internet.

UI-wise you'll now see a share icon next to the title of your topics. When you click it, you'll get a little heads up about what will be shared and you can fine tune your selections.

Additionally, the main page has been totally redone. Simpler and well... uglier. All in due time.
