Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Beta 2!

MyHippocampus is very happy to announce that this beta addresses our number one most requested feature, "less features." That's right, welcome to beta 2, now with 66% fewer features!

I've really enjoyed all the feedback I've gotten and the verdict was pretty clear. "It's cool, but confusing." We'll I think I've finally got it through my technologist ridden brain and I think the new system is really an order of magnitude simpler. That does mean that we've needed to take some things out, but don't fret too much. The maps & timelines will be back, but we're going to wait until we've had a few more epiphanies about how to keep things simple. I'm reading my John Maeda breakfast, lunch & dinner, so I'm sure it can't take too much longer ;)

We're still working on getting some new screencasts together, so drop a line if you have any questions about the new interface. Also, don't be afraid to check out the Del.icio.us import! If you have more than a couple hundred tags it might behoove you create some bundles first, but give it a whirl either way.

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